Rivera Vs Ferrer

Just saw something about this on someone's Facebook. Funny!

Last time I saw Sandy, we were sat together chatting at a table in my friend's nightclub in Moscow (where he was set to play) when the place got raided & shut down for an hour by the drug police. :lol: Decent guy but it seemed to me he was more interested in chatting with some of the nice local ladies :confused: :lol:

Finally = still one of my all-time favorites.

(I like this Hey tune too... catchy! :lol:)
It's a definite rip. However, it happens in all creative walks of life. If I had a squid for every one of my ideas that's been ripped off me and commercialized to my total exclusion by others who chant the same immortal old record "we're already developing something similar" the minute a conversation gets interesting I'd be a very rich man indeed by now.

Sh!t happens - get over it and try to be more discreet next time .. there's no such thing as friendship in business !!!
Sh!t happens - get over it and try to be more discreet next time .. there's no such thing as friendship in business !!!

"Always business, never personal"
"Always business, never personal"

:lol: - that rings very close to home with me today Morbs :( - but fortunately I ducked and now have the shooter in an arm-lock so should make an escape with my rightful dues ;) .. for someone who is by nature very open and (I like to think) honourable, it is sometimes very distateful to have to deal with greedy, grasping, mother f***ers who only pay when they have no realistic alternatives left open to them - despite a handshake - and do not even have the grace to give credit where it's due. Rant over.
Finally = still one of my all-time favorites.

Prolly in my top 3 Ibiza anthems.

I poarticularly like this Dennis' quote "...this is a MIGHTY accusation your layin on me. I have all the respect in the world for you..but this is a big ass brain fart.. "

Is this a typical American saying then :lol: