Research on Fans' Ibiza Experiences (Interviewees needed)


New Member
Hello everyone,

My name is Cornel and I am Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Surrey.

I am currently working on a chapter for a forthcoming book called Popular Music Fandom and my research focuses on the relationship between music and place.

I would like to hear your stories of travelling to Ibiza: how you first become interested in going, the role (if any) that electronic music played in that process, how you have experienced the island, the importance of clubbing, etc. in a nutshell, I am interested in the role that Ibiza plays in your life.

If you would be willing to be interviewed about your experiences via Skype, email or phone (or if you are in the South East of England I happily come and meet you armed with my tape recorder for a face-to-face interview during your lunch break or so), I would very much like to hear from you. I should add that I am interested in the whole spectrum of experiences, from those who have been going for many years (or maybe even spent whole summers there) to those who are just planning their first ever trip.

You can contact me on here, email me at or you can send me a message on facebook (Cornel Sandvoss).

Thank you very much everyone and I hope you are having an amazing summer!

I am still looking for a few more interviewees! If you could spare half an hour or so to answer a few questions, that would be really great!

Thank you!

Thank you to all those of you who have helped already - nearly there, but I could do with a final four or five participants, so it would be great to hear from you!

I'd be especially good to hear from a few female Ibiza travellers, as they are very few among my interviewees so far.
Thank you for keeping it up on the board for so long, much appreciated! I have finished the first paper, out early next year. I will be sending the PDF file to everyone who has helped, once it's been copyedited. Thanks for all your help again!

Second paper on Ibiza and cosmopolitanism to follow soon.
Thank you for keeping it up on the board for so long, much appreciated! I have finished the first paper, out early next year. I will be sending the PDF file to everyone who has helped, once it's been copyedited. Thanks for all your help again!

Second paper on Ibiza and cosmopolitanism to follow soon.
I look forward to reading it! :)