

Active Member
hi - my friend has twisted her knee in space last night and cant walk properly, but i have already bought tickets for tonight for tiesto. Is there any way i can get these refunded please? Thanks
Your best bet is to probably just sell them to random punters over there if the refund doesn't come through, I'm sure there will be plenty of folk who haven't got a ticket yet who will be going.
it's late, but if you contact our ticket shop i am sure they can cancel and get you off the list. simply reply to the confirmation email. the office is open until 8 pm ibiza time
Hi james, thanks for getting back to me - i was supposed to be going the night of the 13th, i tried accessing the ticket via my account but it wasnt bringing any info up and i assumed that was because it was within 24 hours. theres no chance of a refund now then?:cry: