Recent visitors on profile.....


Well-Known Member
I notice today I have had 41 visits, the last ten are
Recent Visitors
The last 10 visitor(s) to this page were:
Ali Bon Tempi andyallwood+ bigtezza Boon Cameron dancemaster fatphilb Morbyd Robbie G Steph_nee
Yet no one left me any visitor messages :( :lol:
So how many visitors has your profile had? I don't even know most of them names so why would they look at my profile? :lol: Spooky.
It happens when you are using an iPhone or iPad a lot... Instead of clicking on thread title you click on persons name and it takes you to their page.
Mine has 156

And last 10 were:
  1. BOS
  2. CBS
  3. Deano1974
  4. hounddj
  5. Ibizagfan34
  6. NilSatis
  7. roberts155
  8. SteveO
  9. sunshine
  10. white_isle_calling

Who are some of these people :lol:
just visited a couple of people's pages and tbh there wasn't that much I could use for identity fraud etc

will keep to 'climbing trees opposite windows' style stalking at it is far more exciting and has 'fresh air/exercise' benefits
:eek: :eek: :lol:

vodka jon
I am not just looking at your profile page,
I am watching you from the tree opposite your window

The last 10 visitor(s) to this page were:


This page has had 45 visits

the last one sounds interesting... :lol::p
This reminds me of the spotlight friends thread. Someone brought up the topic of spotlight friends and everyone started adding each other as friends!
This is one of the things that does my head in about facebook. People are always desperate to see who has looked at their profile which is why they always click on those virus things. People might just want to have a look maybe if you have a picture to see who they are talking to. I haven't clicked on anyones profiles on here except once by accident with the iphone thing but I wasn't logged in. I have never even clicked on my own either I think I'm going to look now and see if anyone has been nosing at me :D