

Active Member
Hey all - haven't been to the closings in aeons.

Am so out of practice.

I've blagged a fair few guest lists and want to follow my nose clubs do re-entry or are they really corporate and arsey about these things?

Thank you! :)
octan MIGHT give out stamps but I'm not sure. they have a rooftop terrace to grab fresh air. also probably no last entry time though.

glitterbox definitely no re-entry. last entry not sure...

transmoderna no stamps, but the garden is open to grab some air. last entry to pacha is usually 5-6am without presale tix.
Ja! Acute appendicitis => emergency surgery => recovery surrounded by minions => Ibiza.

So the short answer is - I am now yes!

Pacha is unrecognisable ain't it? I could've been anywhere; they've chopped it up more than my insides! (What happened to the classy looking finca?)

Good to be back here though - hope you're not behaving also.