Radio 1's 10hr broadcast from Space 2005?


New Member
Anyone know where i can find this? It was wicked! Lost my copy:cry: :x . Even had it broken down so i had everyones individual sets. Can't find it anywhere.
Rax said:
Anyone know where i can find this? It was wicked! Lost my copy:cry: :x . Even had it broken down so i had everyones individual sets. Can't find it anywhere.

try great torrent site for dj mixes!
if you find above and beyond let me know, not that i want it myself, but my mate is pining for it. garniers set was immense. thats about all i liked tbh.
On the essential mi, you´ll find garniers set to listen to until this friday but i don´t knwo how to record ist:idea:

maybe you know a way
Cheers people, there were loads of links floating about just after it went out last year. They must be somewhere. Never really been one for torrents but might give it a go.