radio 1 weekend


Well-Known Member
6th 7th and 8th ,... u all know when it is,

well i know theres going to be a few of us,.......anyone from here heading in for it?? going to be off the hook!!! :twisted:
the friday and saturday will be out last 2 days :D

schweeeeet u'll get most of it then,.....cant wait for the essential mix,...anyone got any info on it?

talk about going home on a high :lol:
makka said:
the friday and saturday will be out last 2 days :D

schweeeeet u'll get most of it then,.....cant wait for the essential mix,...anyone got any info on it?

talk about going home on a high :lol:

just what i mean normally the last few days of our holiday turn out to be a bit sombre so this year we are planning it to coincide with the radio 1 weekend,bit of madness to see the holiday out