Radio 1 Essential Mixes

Loving the Tiga one and also the Fanciulli one.

Still can't beat the Tania Vulcano and Locodice DC10 mix from last year though!!!
Tiga was a bit too electro clashy for my tastes. Fanciulli’s was rather excellent. Oakenfold’s mix is coming up this Saturday, should be interesting to say the least.
will be interested to hear an Oakenfold studio mix

been listening to Resident, Global Underground 7, live @ Cream 97 E-Mix and the Goa Mix recently
Thought the Gabriel & Dresden Essential Mix on 07/05 was amazing. Best Essential Mix Ive heard in ages!
Tiefschwarz last night 8)

SOS was outstanding as was Tiga and Fanciulli. Started off with a bit of a whimper, the live Emixes are never really my bag, neither were Oakey or G&D.