R.I.P Dennis Hopper.

RIP D.H. :cry::cry::cry:

This is one of my favourite scenes ever from any movie. True Romance (the Sicilians scene). Imagine knowing youre gonna die no matter what, you may as well hit your assailant a kick in the nuts before you go. In this scene Christopher Walken has arrived at Hoppers house looking for his son who stole his goods. The interogation begins as Hopper wont tell him where he is. Knowing that his life is over, Hopper asks for a cig and begins the insults....

the whole 10min clip:
I love that scene from True Romance (despite the racial overtones :lol:)... one of the first things I thought about last night when I heard.

I had dinner with Dennis once when he was in Moscow. Really interesting guy. Great artist too. He was here to open an exhibit of his photography.

A true legend.