Quiksilver Women's Ambassador DAISY VEALE confirmed to perform at FAB bar/Sun 9th Dec


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SUNDAY 9[SUP]TH[/SUP] December from 2pm/FAB Bar/Jesús

(FIX IBIZA/ Fri 7[SUP]th[/SUP] Dec 2012)

Until recently, the island of Ibiza, famed for its music, has been hiding Daisy Veale away from the world– but all that is changing for this local, lovely, young and very talented singer/songwriter. Veale, has just been chosen as international surf brand Quiksilver's new musical Ambassador for Spain.

The Quiksilver competition enhances young talent by searching for Ambassadors to represent their surfer brand throughout the world, and this year had three categories– singing, styling and photography.

Daisy is now following in the footsteps of local boy and international star, Ben Howard, who is also the official Ambassador for Quiksilver, the results of which have seen him propelled to international fame on the current music scene.

Daisy loves to listen to artists Jack Johnson and Jason Mraz, a fact which is reflected in her surfer image and certainly in her music.

She has also played at the open mic nights at Sandy's in Santa Eulalia, her first island performance. From loving that first taster of the musical world she has also recently performed at Las Salinas beach, Cala Llenya market, Els Dissables al Mercat Vell and a very successful night at Can Jordi in San Jose. Now, it's time for her to show Jesús what she's made of, with the confirmation of her first gig this weekend in the village of the same name. “I have so much love, and feel so attached to this island, I think this shows through my music, and it is something I'd love to be able to share with the rest of Ibiza”

It is therefore with the greatest of pleasure that we present Miss Daisy Veale, live and direct this Sunday 9[SUP]TH[/SUP] December from 2pm in this winter's hot-spot of choice, FAB Bar, Ibiza.

Speaking of her weekend gig, Daisy said “Next stop FAB on Sunday! Should be good, it's a sweet place, I'm really looking forward to it!”

So there you have it, this Sunday from 2 pm, a traditional, mouth-watering roast and a chance to listen to the wonderful up and coming singer Daisy Veale- New Talent in the Making, remember where you heard it first.

More information on Daisy Veale:

More information on Quiksilver Women:

For table reservations at FAB, call Faye at Fab Bar Ibiza: 658831578


More information on singer/songwriter Daisy Veale:

Daisy Veale has lived on this beautiful white island of Ibiza practically all her life; enjoying the beautiful paradise we live in, a keen water sports girl! She started off just mucking around in her bedroom, creating lyrics and tunes in which allowed her to express herself which she then performed to her parents for fun, just like every other ordinary teenager who enjoys music... from doing that and now being the Quiksilver Ambassador she has come along way …

Her first real experience of performing live was at the open-mic nights at Sandy's in Santa Eulalia, she thoroughly enjoyed it, the crowd dancing and clapping away, “ It was really enthusiastic to see how well people responded to my songs, which gave me a lot of confidence” from then on big things would happen to this girl…

And so it did, she performed at our event for Els Dissables al Mercat in which Daisy portrayed her wonderful skills to the public, a duo with a friend from school at Cala Llenya market, a party at Las Salinas beach, to a very successful night at Can Jordi…

After experiencing a couple of events, Daisy Veale knew she wanted to enhance her skills and show the public her ability. This led to the Quiksilver women's competition, in which she had to produce three videos showing her talent. With this she was listed as the top 3 out of 250 candidates. As you could probably guess she was over the moon by just that achievement, however when she was chosen as the Singer for Quiksilver's women Ambassador, in which she will be representing Quiksilver and touring around Spain in spring, it was as if a dream had come true “I am so excited to be a part of the Quiksilver team and working with such inspiring people, I just cant believe this is real”

Oh, it's real alright. This girl is going places…

I'm pretty sure I've seen Daisy singing at the Cala Llenya market....there was a lot of stuff going on!