Questionnaire on modernized rave culture

Just filled it in now. Also worth reading clive martin at VICE or @thugclive . he regularly writes extremely funny blogs on UK subcultures and the terrible parties he ends up at. I personally think it's game over. 20 years ago we fought the CJA on the streets, now kids are just happy to sit in someone's lounge inhaling balloons
I filled it in also but it was hard to express my true opinions sometimes I felt forced into an answer - although that is the main problem with quantitative research . My answers reflect only what is happening locally where we have a good underground clubbing scene. My responses would be completely different if I was answering for what I think is going on elsewhere! Hope that is helpful, I always like to get feedback from participants especially if results don't go my way :)
Done , Although I think the questions push you into abit of a corner (which may well help with a dissertaion)