question for McRackin or whoever can answer


Active Member
, my friend ask me if I know the name of the restaurant she went last year as she wants to book a table. The restaurant it was called La oliva or the Olivo,or something related to olives or olive tree8O8O she is not sure, I know there is one called La oliva but she says there is two with similar names. The one she says is in the uphill to Plaza del sol.
If somebody knows it I will pass her the name.
mikkak said:
she says there is two with similar names
yes, el olivo.....


..... and la oliva:


i also confuse them as they are almost next to each other, only separated by sa torreta. el olivo facing plaça de vila with a big terrace, la oliva at the beginning of c. santa creu with a tiny terrace. apparently la oliva is the best one.....
I've eaten at both and the edge definitely goes to La Oliva.

You really should book a table though because sometimes it's often impossible get a seat outside if you don't. (as Mac noted, they have a very small terrace area).
Hi John
I still don't know where I will have dinner when I go to Ibiza.
In fact this information is for a friend... I am leaving all the bookings of restaurants in Ibiza till I am there ( taking all the info and phone numbers with me) because this year we want to decide when we are there and not be obliged by a booking. Sunday nigth, the nigth of the arrival, is the only nigth I will probably book before going.A little bit of improvisation because of the clubbing.:D:D:D:D
I recommend the la oliva.

only like a max of 20 seats outside, though, i think, if at all.
and if i remember correctly, max of 6 ppl per table

book early for "prime time", ie from 2100-2300
Hello, my first post!
Both restaurants are excellent IMHO.
One difference we did notice in June was that there seemed to be distinctly less "street entertainers" serenading the diners. Have they been restricted or did we go on their night off?