question for mc rackin or other locals...


New Member
...EIVISSA: Parador für Dalt Vila?

Das Ayuntamiento von Eivissa hofft, dass die neue Regierung in Madrid das Projekt 'Parador für Dalt Vila' unterstützen wird. Die Luxusherberge soll, nach bereits vorliegenden Plänen, im ehemaligen Festungsgebäude ihren Platz finden.

what is the "parador - plan for dalt villa"?? it a hotel :?:
thanx for info!
Si, paradores are luxury hotels in ancient buildings sustained by the Spanish government. This rumour has been circling around the island for years, but Aznar rather spent the money on war and stuff. Now let's hope that the PSOE will spend it on wiser things and I think a Parador would be good for IBZ.