Question for Ibiza residents


Active Member
Is it just me or does everything go rusty much quicker out here?

I have gotback from a month in the uk and come back to find all my cuttlery, pots and pans etc. starting to rust. They were brand new in May!

I know the water is salty so makes things rust more but 3 months is too short for me to replace everything. The stuff isd made out of stainless steel from shefield so should be fine.

What do you guys do? do i need special washing up liquid! or is it just me and i need to get a new wife who cleans properly!?

too right jt

it's the salt in the air and the moisture - a deadly combination - makes a mockery of stainless steel - i think they out to sell titanium / chrome knives in FITA :-)
james said:
i think they out to sell titanium / chrome knives in FITA :-)

Thanks, My wife can sleep at night safe in the knowledge i will not be dumping her for make my cuttlery rusty! ;)