Question for everyone..


Active Member
A bit of a strange question..

I've often seen ( in the most recent example) in people's weekend threads that they're going to a baby christening. I see, as well, loads of my family, friends in the UK posting photos of baby christenings, when I know none of these people are particularly religious.

Most of my friends here ( in Canada) are having or have just had babies and I have never been to a christening.

Do you find people have them just for a party? or tradition? or maybe maybe my friends here are just a bunch of heathens? :lol:
No idea but my cousin just has his christened and he doesn't go to church :rolleyes:
I don't believe any religion to be true, but I don't bash people who do each to their own etc. I am from an old fashioned Irish catholic family and I refused point blank to have my daughter christened which did not go down well :lol: My aunt who I thought would be the worse praised me for not giving in to the pressure and doing what I believe it right. Bit like folk wanting a church wedding but don't go to church, really winds me up and I think it is an insult to the religion :twisted: But I am no one :)
I can't remember the last time I have been to a church or religious wedding either.

I see nothing wrong with tradition, just wondering if people do it maybe because of grandparents pressure... or it's just a nice thing to do?
Most of my friends here ( in Canada) are having or have just had babies and I have never been to a christening.

I've never been to a christening either, but knowing my mates, it'd probably just be an excuse for another drinking session.
Without a shadow of a doubt in 99% of the christenings I have attended (dozens, I'm an oldie!), was simply an excuses for a pee up.
A lot of my friends have had their babies christened to get them into a good Catholic School, the area they live in the top 3 schools are Catholic and over subscribed so you can't get in without getting it done!
:lol: Reminds me of an old David Beckham quote:

"I definitely want to be Christened, I'm just not sure to which religion yet" (!) classic.

Yes, they are just an excuse for a party in a lot of case. They should be called Baby Naming Parties not "Christenings" in most cases.

And you'll find that a look of people will look at you blankly if you point out that they are in no way Christian, or even remotely religious.

In a similar vein, when I have to give my details out over the phone and the operator asks for my Christian name, I always correct them and say "First/Given name". Again, most of the time it goes straight over their head! :rolleyes:
I've been to plenty of baby boozey parties.

In fact, I'm going to one next week which is a "Meet our baby/ End of summer/Margherita/ Tequila party"
Don't get it tbh... Think a lot of people just can't think for themselves and go along with what family/society expects them to do.
My parents are baptists, so you get 2 separate events.

The "dedication" ceremony is like a christening (godparents named, prayers said) but without the water.

Then there's the baptism once the person is old enough to understand and accept what god and the bible are all about. I think I had mine when I was 7 or 8.

I wouldn't do either now if I had a choice!
We had a naming ceremony for our kids a few years ago. I was brought up a christian and was also christened but I dont believe in God, dont think I ever did as my nickname is Sunday school was doubting Thomas!! :lol:

The reason we did it was for our family and friends to get together as everyone lives all over the place. It was also a good excuse for a drink :lol: plus we had the non religious equivilant of god parents and they got to sign something to say they would be there for our kids if anything happened to us.

Im glad we did it cos a month later my husbands stepdad died, so it was nice to have everyone together that last time. It was a lovely day even with Sasha being naughty and refusing to have a picture taken lol! :D :lol:
My parents are baptists, so you get 2 separate events.

The "dedication" ceremony is like a christening (godparents named, prayers said) but without the water.

Then there's the baptism once the person is old enough to understand and accept what god and the bible are all about. I think I had mine when I was 7 or 8.

I wouldn't do either now if I had a choice!

I was the same then and the same as you are now. Didn't have much of a choice when I was a child! :lol:

I just don't see any of my friends doing it now that they have children. Not sure how many of them were baptized as a baby/child.