question about solo clubbing....


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna be over for Space/DC-10 closing parties at the weekend but unfortunately i will be by myself.... originally 6 of us were going but 4 dropped out although they never really seemed too interested anyway ( always promising to book flights and never bothering etc etc ).... then my best mate had a death in his immediate family so understandably he's not in the mood......

just what can i expect from going to Space and DC-10 on my own??? is there many that do it?? the last thing i want is to be standing there like an idiot whilst people in their own groups enjoy themselves.... i'm now planning on getting myself in such a state that it doesn't bother me anymore.... is this the best i can hope for?? :(
I'd actually love to go by myself. I tend to lose ppl anyway in big clubs so quite used to it! For a start I would maybe try meet up with some Spotlighters or get talking to people down the beach. Getting in a right state isnt best idea as theres no one to look after you or make sure you got home ok.
I've been to Ibiza myself before. It's do-able (especially after a few drinks) and IME it's more likely to force you to talk to others. Plus you can pull a pig and no-one need ever know. :lol:
I have gone on my own often. I avoid the pigs;) Like someone said above it causes you to meet new people and can be loads of fun. Spotlight is a place to find new best party mates.
Every trip I've made for the last few years has been solo. You're never alone on a dance floor.
Don't get so completely mashed that you end up the butt of the joke on someone's youtube video.

aye, good point, although i've never ended up in that kind of state no matter how much i have... i'm staying in San Antonio so i think my plan will be to have a wee carry-out outside Cafe Mambo and then get a bus to Playa D'en Bossa.. get another carry-out and head to the beach to see if i can spot a small group to join... then Space and will try to stay to the end and then walk to DC-10....
I haven't been on holiday on my own in Ibiza but I have been clubbing on my own whilst there, and to be honest I didn't feel comfortable on my own. True you can do what you please but you still feel a bit vunerable plus there's the extra cost of taxi,s ect.

If you can Ric I would suggest you arrange to meet up with a few of the other Spotlighters before going.
get yourself there and have a great time,,,,,,,,im leaving 2mor for ibiza so ill keep a eye out 4 u:D
I never feel vulnerable or out of place clubbing on my own (especially in Ibiza where anything goes and everyone is accepted for who they are)... but it's nice to bump into people you know and spend some time with them or meet new people either by pre-arrangement or randomly.

will try to stay to the end and then walk to DC-10....

I guess you're not planning on cycling that one :lol: ! Good idea actually - it's easily do'able to walk from San Jose/PDB - about 2 miles or so to help wake up a bit and pick up some food on the way... and at least the lack of proper kerbs on the road is not so hazardous in daylight. It can be a bit hairy to walk it at night without something reflective on account of the :eek: driving you sometimes see round there.

Keep something in the tanks for DC-10 .. it's going to be a cracker. :)
I'd actually love to go by myself.

Why not just book to go out for the w/end then if work is on this week ? :)

Getting in a right state isnt best idea as theres no one to look after you or make sure you got home ok.

:rolleyes: awwww :lol::lol:.. very caring - but I reckon ric's probably big enough to look after himself if he has a few too many ... solo travelling kind of helps with that ;) !!
haha! weekend cant be done within any sort of budget. working friday night shift and back in monday so wont happen :(
If me, a 24 year old female, who has never been to Ibiza before can head over to the sunset strip, get friendly with a few reps then head on to Amnesia on her own (whilst meeting a Spotlighter), anyone can :D -

Aint gona lie, the few sambuccas helped me somewhat :lol:

I always seem to have a wicked time on my own, meet different people and can hop from place to place without having to worry about dragging an unwilling mate along, its honestly just wicked :D and its Ibiza, anything goes so you wont look silly at all...

Go.....drink a few shots....then get in amongst the peoples :D
Clubbing for a few years and most of the time I travel alone. I love it cause I never lost someone and I can go wherever I want and still meeting some amazing people around the world.
Have never been clubbing on my own per se, but always manage to lose my mates and up up dancing away on my own while my mates try and pull girls by buying them over priced drinks and getting nowhere:lol:

Plus if you want to you chat with people around you they are normally happy for a bit of clubbing chat!

3 days and counting - Space and DC10 here i come :D