Queen Does Ireland Review


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Well shes just boarded her plane home, dressed as she arrived, in green, HM Queen Elizabeth's first state visit as an English Monarch to our Republic has just ended.

Republicans like myself, may feel the visit was a little premature, but if you dont risk things in life, nothing positive will ever happen. What can be said is that the Visit was a resounding success, as Ireland opened its door in welcome to a guest of our nation.

The historical and political relationship down through the centuries has been fraught with wars, bombs and bloodshed. The 85 year old lady was taking a big risk visiting an Island with areas of extreme left wing violent tendencies and deep rooted resentment towards the Monarchy.

Over the last 4 days the Queen has done great service to the process of healing old wounds between the two neighboring countries with so much in common. Im not a Monarchist, but she represented England with dignity and style, so much so that she was clapped and cheered wherever she went. Not one security incident occurred.

Highlight of the visit for me, was her laying of a wreath in the Garden of Remembrance in honor of the Irish patriots who died during the war of Independence fighting the Crown. Also her speech as Dublin Castle was historic and marks a new dawn in relationships between the two nations.

Her use of the Irish Language at the beginning of her historic speech was a nice touch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKz-6vn_i00

A United Ireland takes a step closer.
Didn't they find a bomb on a bus right before her arrival?

It was a hoax and not active. Security was very tight and there was at least a 2mile perimeter for all her visits.

Obama's visit this week is much more relaxed with no perimeters being enforced.
A United Ireland takes a step closer.

I don't want to open a can of worms but eh.. how? :?:

The GFA established that only the democratic will of the people in the 6 counties can do that. As excellent as Her Maj's (of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and others) visit was in copper-fastening the good relationship between the 26 counties and the UK I doubt it has turned tens of thousands of unionists.

I'm not trying to get into a discussion of the desirability of a United Ireland, or not, but your statement seems a little trite.
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I don't want to open a can of worms but eh.. how? :?:

The GFA established that only the democratic will of the people in the 6 counties can do that. As excellent as Her Maj's (of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and others) visit was in copper-fastening the good relationship between the 26 counties and the UK I doubt it has turned tens of thousands of unionists.

I'm not trying to get into a discussion of the desirability of a United Ireland, or not, but your statement seems a little trite.

A step closer meaning heading in the right direction. Still 2 galaxies rather than planets apart but its a start.

Some Unionists would be Irishmen first and loyal to the Crown second.

If both sides can respect each others culture and identity then there may be some hope for the future.

Doubt it will happen in our lifetime but someday historians may look back on May 18 2011 as a pivotal moment in relationships between the 2 states.