Pure Pacha (Fri 28th May) and DC10 (Mon 31st May)


New Member
I've been looking for info on these two nights with regards to getting tickets, anyone heard anything?? :confused:

The IS ticket section only sells Fri Pacha tickets from Fri Jun 4 onwards and I hear nada about DC10. I don't 'mind' getting them on the island but I like to get most of them early so my holiday moolah is spent on enjoying myself and not hundreds of euros on tickets.

Anyone got any bright ideas??
Grego, you're the man, when did they go up on sale... I checked online today and only saw the 4th, then I wrote my thread on here!
They are getting bought!

As for DC10, that's what I figured, I just wasn't sure, never hurts to ask, do you know do they presale them on the island anywhere or is it literally on the door only, and and idea as to price?!

Thanks again
Oop, someone obviously deleting my post... I only posted the Pacha email link for when the IS tickets run out... I actually just bought mine on here!!

Anyhooooo... cheers grego, you're the man again, I will spin into Tantra... what end of PdB is that?, the KFC end or the bit near the Mijorn hotel?