PRS checking up...............

DJ Soulman

Active Member boss told me tonight that she's had a phone call from PRS. They are coming at the begining of Sept to check that I ain't playing pirated music. 8O

Might ask them to help me carry my records and turntables. :lol:
I bet someones grassed you up as playing illiegal downloads/p2p downloaded music as they've seen you using your laptop all the time and assumed you just download/nicked it all off the web :roll: :lol: How petty/sad! Must feel good to be able to be all smug and prove them you're all legit :D :lol:
N8 said:
I bet someones grassed you up as playing illiegal downloads/p2p downloaded music as they've seen you using your laptop all the time and assumed you just download/nicked it all off the web :roll: :lol: How petty/sad! Must feel good to be able to be all smug and prove them you're all legit :D :lol:

Nah, don't think so Nath. They checked up on 2 other pub/discos in my hometown in April 04. Just routine checking someone else, but, why give advance warning? Seems daft, but I suppose it keeps everybody on there toes though. :lol: The venue already pays £1,500 to PRS every year for me to play out.

As I'm totally legal and do this for a living, I'd naturally be annoyed about anyone else that's downloading and playing out. Think I may visit some of the other discos to see who I can grass up. :twisted: 8O :lol:

Spent roughly about £2,500 on mainly house vinyl + commercial chart crap on CD's in the past 12 months. 8O

From what I understand, you're supposed to have the original vinyl/CD's on the premises or in the car boot outside the venue. That's OK with CD's, but, I've got every vinyl record I ever bought since starting DJing in 1976. 8O Know where I can 'borrow' a furniture van? :lol: