Promotion work - info & help!


New Member
I'm a 20something Canadian girl seeking to come to Ibiza in the summer. June/July - definitely all of July but unsure how long exactly.

The only issue is, does anybody have any advice if I want to find promotion work there? I'll have enough money saved for rent etc, but I want to do promo work since I've done it before (organized and promoted my own house night here in Canada) - how do I apply for jobs?

Is it possible to find jobs that get paid in cash/under the table?

Any help would be lovely!

~The Mixtress~

things have changed over the years with regard to how the club nights promote themselves.

for example, there has been increasing clamp down on the standard way promotion occurred. e.g. flyering, postering, parades, etc, etc

the best way to find a job is, unless you know someone running a night, to attend recruitment meetings that all the big clubs/events hold, usually in a bar like mambo or bar M. these meetings will be advertised in the days proceeding in shops, bars, etc.

at the meetings, sell your socks off. the promoters are always looking for people with experience.

most of these jobs pay cash in hand.
Will the fact that you have promoted your own night be enough experience for PR jobs in Ibiza? I co promoted a night for about 2 years and was a lot of hard work.
Thanks for the advice. And good question re. last post. I, too, organized and promoted my own night and it's a hella lot of work.

But, I guess it's best to go, be prepared and work our asses off.
