Promenade from San Antonio to Cala Gracio...


New Member
Now it looks like this promenade linking San Antonio to Cala Gracio is going to constructed after the 2006 season what are peoples feelings about it.
Do you think it will ruin the atmosphere & vibe on the sunset strip? I for one feel a little sad that this could potentially be the last year when I will be able to sit on the rocks sipping a San Miguel whilst watching the sunset.:(
I have to agree with your comments, whilst the strip is quite commercial anyway, the building of a promenade will ruin the whole atmosphere as well as destroy some great pieces of coastline on the way round. I always wondered how they were going to build it, especially where there are just cliffs next to the port area and just before you get to coastline cafe8O
I did hear somewhere that the sunset bars are going to beable to build temporary terraces on the sea side of the promenade during the summer seasons. Don't know how true this is but I guess they will need to do something along these lines with the amount of people they get down there?