Producers - Plugin recomendations?


Well-Known Member
Im pretty new to making bleepy noises with my PC so apologies if I sound thick. Im getting bored with the preinstalled instruments etc. on Ableton, although I love being able to build tracks and edit them in realtime. The bundled stuff is good, but I can't be bothered tweaking a midi instrument every time I select it, just so the sounds Im making dont sound so out of the box as if they were played on an eighties casio from tandy. Also gonna start trying to learn Cubase again, (have tried in the past but always gave up before getting half decent using it). Can I get stuff that can be used in both?
Any recomendations would be appreciated. Looking for Acidy/Electro sounds 8)
Steinberg Hypersonic is really good... It's not for any specific sound, it has most instruments and synths so it's pretty flexible.

I'm just a beginner though so i'll leave the experts to do the rest :)
Any VST or DX instruments/effects work on both Ableton and Cubase. Check out Arturia's synths, Minimoog-v and Arp2600 - pretty cool ones!