price of a cab from San An to Space?


Active Member
Last time I went to Ibiza was about 3 years ago and was pretty shocked at the cost of about €28 for the trip one way.... a lot more than previous years when it was around €22.... any ideas how much the trip is these days?

is it cheaper or more expensive to book a cab or stand in the taxi q?
If i remember correctly, last year for me to get from space on my own to san an was defo between 25 and 30 euros
This year I've always paid around the 28euro mark (thats west end taxi rank to door), except once when I paid a bit less but the taxi man took a short cut because we were having a nice chat!
This, there is no need whatsoever to chuck money away on getting from san an to space when the buses do such a good job. Of course if money is of no objext it beats being surrounded with drunks :lol:

By the time i left Space on my own (coz all the girls were boring and f**ked off back to the hotel early) i couldnt be ar$ed to work out where this disco bus was or anything like that, just wanted to get back n get my head down, so easiest option was to get ripped off and have my own seat :lol: