Pre Drinks in Ibiza Town


New Member
So back to Ibiza a week today, after having a year out last year.

On the Friday night we plan to attend to Pacha, however we want to go to Ibiz town before hand for a few drinks?

Can anyone reccomend anywhere? We ideally would like a bar with a nice view over Ibiza? It will only be for a couple of drinks so we are not too bothered about the price.

Also, this is the first time back to Pacha for me since 2011, what is the dress code as I know Pacha can be funny. Will I be ok in flip flops/birkenstocks if I have chino shorts and shirt on?

Thanks all!
you'll be fine re dress code!

there was a thread about bars in ibiza town lately...where is it?

Is Tira Pilla the best bet if we want somewhere with a good view?

Any other recommendations? Thanks.
tira palla has a cool view, but there are a few bars (albeit hard to find) further up in dalt vila with even better views. just thinking of the names now...