PR Work - Staff Needed


New Member
Hey there guys.
My name is Johnny and I'm a Party Promoter from Jerusalem, Israel.
I'm coming to Ibiza on the 8th of May in order to make some parties in the island.

The concept is having 2 boat parties a month, for 200-250 people each time with some major DJ in each one of the parties.
The parties will take place on the Glass Bottom boat on Tuesdays every Two weeks from 00:00 - 08:00.

The first party will hopefully take place on 05/06.
The party season will be over in between sep. - oct.

I'm looking for 2 Boys and 2 Girls to manage as my PRs.
Their job will be to sell each one at least 50 Tickets each Two weeks.
This is an easy job!

The payment will be 3 Euros per HEAD!
It means that if you've sold 100 tickets a month you've earned 300 Euros.

I'm looking for a good looking crew. So if you think you are apropriate for this kinda job, please send your CV's to : Johnny.Ibiza@Gmail.Com
Or leave a msg over here, or both.

Thanks for your time reading.
Johnny Shenkar
just get this right on times.thats midnight till 8 am yes...i cannot really see anyone going on a boat in the dark.its a bit your up againts the clubs and pubs.
best of luck anyway
The hours can always be changed.
Maybe it will be better if we'll do these parties in the evening time.
As a pre-party for the big ones.
16:00-00:00, these hours also have great weather.