pr jobs


New Member
hey everyone, me and a friend r heading out to ibiza in early july 06 we cant go any sooner because of college commitments. i've been on hols there and love the place. im fairly confident we could be good pr's because im a hairdresser so im fairly good with confidence and talkin to people and shes confident and outgoing as well. im a little worried that because we wont be there at the start of the season its gona b hard to find work and accomodation altho some friends will already be out there. sorry if this sort of post has already been put up but im just a bit nervous about it. :oops:
there was a load of people went home at the end of june last year after spending all there money and being forced to go home, and a load of new people took there jobs. there will always be a job if your willing to work
yeah from what i know there are always jobs to be had, i got offered one when i was there mid july last year!