PR Job interview questions


New Member

Does anyone have any experience of what questions could be asked in interviews on the recruitment days? Specifically for the PR job roles ...

never had an official interview anywhere, more of a trial basis and that seems to be the experience of my friends too

If you do get asked questions think about...

how will you stand out from the crowd
how will you take constant rejection
how will you deal with drunk men/women constantly
how can u negotiate
how will you keep peoples attention

If you can do most of those then you can PR. its all about confidence. I got everyone of my PR jobs by approachin bars and asking to speak to the manager...the only test I got was a guy saying 'Do I look like a ****ing manager?' I responded with ' well thats what ive been told by the bar guy unless he's trying to wind me up'...he said his test was seeing if peoplen could respond to violent loud confrontation! Go drunk, or tipsy, that will help loads with the chattiness required.
PR interview Q tips


I went to PR interview last year for ticket selling and the application form asked things like:

Favourite DJ's
If you had to be an animal what would you be
Describe yourself in 3 words
Sales experience??

And then when you went to speak to them they used your form as a guide as what to ask. So, they might ask why *** is your favourite DJ, or ask you to tell them an item of clothing if you had written down a clothing store as work experience.

I wouldn't worry it is all pretty relaxed and light hearted and sometimes you are called up in groups so as long as you get a bit of banter going to show that you are confident I'm sure you will succeed! :)

Hope that helps x
Go drunk???? For a job???? Are you sure that's the best advice??!?!?! :eek:

If u lack confidence when sober then yes. All the best \prs r drunk, you fit in well with the people you're selling to. Im naturally rediculously confident sober, but if you're not, have a few drinks!

Has an employer and the organizer of one of the main annual recruitment fayres in Ibiza, you wouldnt get an interview or a job with any decent company if you turned up under the influence of alcohol or any other substance.
I look for good presentation, ie clean, smart ,attractive, with enthuiasm and a good positive attitude and personality. Pr work is all about first impression so as long as you can sell yourself you will be ok. XXX:D SEE YOU IN IBIZA
Has an employer and the organizer of one of the main annual recruitment fayres in Ibiza, you wouldnt get an interview or a job with any decent company if you turned up under the influence of alcohol or any other substance

Thank gawd for that!!! :rolleyes:
Has an employer and the organizer of one of the main annual recruitment fayres in Ibiza, you wouldnt get an interview or a job with any decent company if you turned up under the influence of alcohol or any other substance.
I look for good presentation, ie clean, smart ,attractive, with enthuiasm and a good positive attitude and personality. Pr work is all about first impression so as long as you can sell yourself you will be ok. XXX:D SEE YOU IN IBIZA

I wasn't suggested they turned up wrecked but a beer can do a lot for someone who lacks a bit of confidence!

I'm not shy in admitting Ive been for a glass of wine before interviews in England, and believe it or not I have a professional job with one of the largest (and most well respected) organisations in my industry in the world.
Glass of wine

There is a big difference between 1 glass of wine to calm nerves and "going drunk" has somone suggested.:D
Why would you WANT to apply for a public relations job if you can only talk to people when drunk !!!!!! bigger question why would I want to employ a pr who cannot do the job unless drunk..:eek:
Has an employer and the organizer of one of the main annual recruitment fayres in Ibiza, you wouldnt get an interview or a job with any decent company if you turned up under the influence of alcohol or any other substance.
I look for good presentation, ie clean, smart ,attractive, with enthuiasm and a good positive attitude and personality. Pr work is all about first impression so as long as you can sell yourself you will be ok. XXX:D SEE YOU IN IBIZA

What about unattractive? Can i still have a job? ;)
What sort of jobs can the over 40,s apply for, with no bar experience,
We were going to move over to the island this coming winter ,but due to my own health issues we,ve now got to wait a couple of years, I can work anywhere as long as I have a phone line and internet, but hubby wants to know what other jobs hed possibly be able to get if we went out,i the winter ready for the season starting
Hes worked in our local council sorting out the empty council houses, for over 10 years, hes got all asbestos training needle training etc,but I wouldnt imagine theres much call for these qualifications in Ibiza,
so is he better looking to start some sort of business himself, or is he not too old for some of the jobs now, obviously he wouldnt get a pr type of job,as they normally want young n pretty girls and boys, so any ideas what type of things he should be looking for given his age
Hes built our conservatory. he did training with a builder but that was a lot of years ago, but he can still wield a mean trowel,:lol: but I know a lot of building work on the island seems to have stopped
so any suggestion would be nice
H x
There is a big difference between 1 glass of wine to calm nerves and "going drunk" has somone suggested.:D
Why would you WANT to apply for a public relations job if you can only talk to people when drunk !!!!!! bigger question why would I want to employ a pr who cannot do the job unless drunk..:eek:

Id class myself as an outgoing person but a few drinks always made me better at it and to begin with it made me a lot more comfortable.
Id class myself as an outgoing person but a few drinks always made me better at it and to begin with it made me a lot more comfortable.
The question was about an interview.. like i said if one glass of wine calms nerves no problem.. but if you were NOT comfotable doing the job on a day to day basis without the need of alcohol then I think that you would be better suited to a different type of job:D saying that I obviously realize that alcohol reduces inhabitions but that can be good or bad depending on the situation. Everybody as their different opinions but I personally dont allow staff to drink on duty until later on in the evening because the conduct of my staff reflects on my business.
What sort of jobs can the over 40,s apply for, with no bar experience,
We were going to move over to the island this coming winter ,but due to my own health issues we,ve now got to wait a couple of years, I can work anywhere as long as I have a phone line and internet, but hubby wants to know what other jobs hed possibly be able to get if we went out,i the winter ready for the season starting
Hes worked in our local council sorting out the empty council houses, for over 10 years, hes got all asbestos training needle training etc,but I wouldnt imagine theres much call for these qualifications in Ibiza,
so is he better looking to start some sort of business himself, or is he not too old for some of the jobs now, obviously he wouldnt get a pr type of job,as they normally want young n pretty girls and boys, so any ideas what type of things he should be looking for given his age
Hes built our conservatory. he did training with a builder but that was a lot of years ago, but he can still wield a mean trowel,:lol: but I know a lot of building work on the island seems to have stopped
so any suggestion would be nice
H x
Hi Heather, there is always going to be tradesmen painting, building, carpenters,gardeners, plumbers for private and business sectors.but most work for themselves..a lot of this kind of work is only done in the winter though.. there are all kinds of jobs that older men can do ..drivers, maintence men, hotel security.. it is like anywhere you have to find the jobs by talking to people.
ok thanks Sue xxxxxx but Tim being Tim would like to know hes going over there o a job already in place, think he might have to get used to being a kept man,till he finds something once we,re over there, :)