

New Member
Where can I find the we love @ space poster and circoloco dc10 poster from the 5th and 6th of August online? Couldn't find any in shops before I had to leave for airport this morning.
Is there a market for that sort of thing?

I would just find a high quality image on facebook as suggested, take it to a printing firm and pay them to enlarge a print onto whichever size you're after.

Alternatively, you could have just asked the bar workers politely to have the poster, after the date of the event obviously. They only get torn down or plastered over by new posters anyway.

That's what I would do next time anyway.
i can help you. i'm in ibiza for the summer and my mate sells all the club posters. i'll speak to him after work and get back in touch.
Is there a market for that sort of thing?

I would just find a high quality image on facebook as suggested, take it to a printing firm and pay them to enlarge a print onto whichever size you're after.

Alternatively, you could have just asked the bar workers politely to have the poster, after the date of the event obviously. They only get torn down or plastered over by new posters anyway.

That's what I would do next time anyway.

There is actually, you can buy them in the shops around KFC in San An. I've got posters of all the nights I've done in the last two years in Ibiza. Add some colour to my room :lol:

Solo Records is one of the shops, for example.
There is actually, you can buy them in the shops around KFC in San An. I've got posters of all the nights I've done in the last two years in Ibiza. Add some colour to my room :lol:

Solo Records is one of the shops, for example.

I have a handful as well, but they never got as far as my bedroom wall! Usually were tatty enough before they got shoved in my suitcases and flew home.

I just took them off lamposts & the like. Never occured to me that people would sell them on. Bit cheeky if u ask me. How much do u pay for them?
With solo records, I normally barter them for free with the ticket(s). They are €1.50 - €2.00 otherwise.
i can help you. i'm in ibiza for the summer and my mate sells all the club posters. i'll speak to him after work and get back in touch.

Thankyou, just send me a message when you hear back mate.

There is actually, you can buy them in the shops around KFC in San An. I've got posters of all the nights I've done in the last two years in Ibiza. Add some colour to my room :lol:

Solo Records is one of the shops, for example.

Had a look in most of the shops along the west end including solo records but were all sold out, i should have went a day after instead of just before leaving to fly back home.
Will do mate, half of his room is taken over with them!
Can't see how it cheeky tbh mate. The clubs print alot of posters and there isn't enough space to put them all up. If there is a market for the spare posters and someone is willing to sell them, then fair play.
Can't see how it cheeky tbh mate. The clubs print alot of posters and there isn't enough space to put them all up. If there is a market for the spare posters and someone is willing to sell them, then fair play.

Cheeky because those posters (which there are far too many off in the first place) are simply thrown in the bin at the end of the day. Or simply plastered over by the latest poster. I actually reckon some bars lose several cubed inches of space throughout the season, the number of layers of posters in some places! :lol:

And it is the bar owners and the shops - not the clubs who pay for the print - who are selling them. The clubs would have given them to them for free.

If it's only a few € so harm done i guess. I would still take my chances on asking politely, or asking for a freebie when purchasing a club ticket seems fair game.

But like I say, there are plenty in public areas you can help yourself too if you really want one. Just be curteous not to take them down until after the day of the event.