Possible rumours of another boat party....

Stu Hirst

Active Member
Heard some rumours there might be another boat party late summer - twice the size.

I guess we watch this space *cough, 15th Sept, cough*
Could you condsider the Manchester Ship Canal as the next location, That London is a bit far for me for one day:). :)()
Bigger, better and shorter toilet queues!

I also will be staying compos mentis and not necking sambucca with crazy people!8)
and hopefully young Rob doesnt get a big red head for an hour and I have to look after him and take him to the club :D:D:D:D
Bigger, better and shorter toilet queues!

I also will be staying compos mentis and not necking sambucca with crazy people!8)

balls to that mate......get involved!!

we will be attending if it happens (and Rob doesn't mind putting us up)