police raids



police deployment
Two nightclubs reported for tolerating drug use
In addition, reported that smoking is allowed inside and had expired fire extinguishers

R. S. | IBIZA The National Police and the Local Ibiza launched an operation early Saturday
in which 30 officers were deployed
, which reported a result of two nightclubs in Vila
for allowing drug use
. In addition, several acts up for drug possession.

Specifically, officials identified 64 people in a bar and 63 in another,
one on Avenida 8 d'Agost and one on the boardwalk.

In addition, reported that smoking is allowed inside
and had expired fire extinguishers.


avenida 8 d´Agost = grial ? pacha ??
police deployment
Two nightclubs reported for tolerating drug use
In addition, reported that smoking is allowed inside and had expired fire extinguishers

R. S. | IBIZA The National Police and the Local Ibiza launched an operation early Saturday
in which 30 officers were deployed, which reported a result of two nightclubs in Vila
for allowing drug use. In addition, several acts up for drug possession.

Specifically, officials identified 64 people in a bar and 63 in another,
one on Avenida 8 d'Agost and one on the boardwalk.

In addition, reported that smoking is allowed inside
and had expired fire extinguishers.

avenida 8 d´Agost = grial ? pacha ??

How do the police determine whether a nightclub 'allows' drug use? If there are munted people there at all, does that mean the club 'allows' it? :confused:
But obviously that's not how it goes... well, not in 'proper' clubs anyway.

Like everything else, it it purely political in the sense that if the venue have a good relationship with the licensing officers then they will largely turn a blind eye to what i would describe as "controlled recreational use".

If they have a reputation for being "that kind" of venue, then so long as they eject anybody blatantly breaking the law who isn't inside their inner circle so to speak, (and straight into the arms of the awaiting police I may add!) then they will largely turn a blind eye. Bad publicity such as an increase in crime, death/hospitalization etc. could affect that of course.

Its mutually convenient. Means the old bill window dress their crime vs arrest vs conviction figures, and means the subtle punters that frequent these venues still go there for their scene.
Like everything else, it it purely political in the sense that if the venue have a good relationship with the licensing officers then they will largely turn a blind eye to what i would describe as "controlled recreational use".

I wonder how this will effect things in reality then...

There's a massive difference between the atmosphere in a 'proper' club and that in a 'boozing' club, as I'm sure we all know. At the end of the day, if clubs (wherever they are in the world) are forced into being crappy with people who dabble, many punters are just going to go somewhere more friendly.

Sounds like the authorities could be going for an all out war on this sort of thing. There's only so long you can pretend to be doing something about it; soon those calling for it want to see good results.

Last Saturday night members of the National and Local police forces carried out inspections at several night spots to ensure that there were no infringements of the law. Two establishments were fined for permitting customers to take drugs, and more than 120 clubbers were found with illegal substances in their possession. In one club there were people smoking inside the premises and in another the fire extinguishers were found to be out of date.
Sweet Baby Jesus... makes me wish I could go back to Ibiza late 80s/early 90s. :( Anyone want to go halfers on a time machine?
I like Ibiza for the sunsets, Ibiza Town and the run up to the clubs, but frankly I'd rather go clubbing in Glasgow (or other UK city, should someone invite me!).

This police attitude (could just be a beginning of season thing?), drinks/ticket prices and people there just to pose and be seen really don't make for the optimal clubbing experience IMO (though at least you can emerge from the club into a warm day).
every year we have something like this.. johnny vodka's on it... beginning of the season lets show some force while its quite empty and look busy...:lol:

they done it a few years ago and closed amnesia, dc10 and cant remember were else as a show of force.. just be careful and dont worry cos the same will be happening in 10 years from now. 8)