Points on Driving License - Question?


Active Member
Do you have to send in your card license AND paper license or just the paper license?

The instructions arent exactly simple to understand :rolleyes:
Do you have to send in your card license AND paper license or just the paper license?

The instructions arent exactly simple to understand :rolleyes:

Unless the UK is very very different to Ireland you don't actually have to send your license anywhere, they don't physically mark / change anything on your license, they just take note of your penalty points on the police computer systems and the points disappear again after 3 years.
Unless the UK is very very different to Ireland you don't actually have to send your license anywhere, they don't physically mark / change anything on your license, they just take note of your penalty points on the police computer systems and the points disappear again after 3 years.

The UK is indeed different to Ireland.

As Jack says, you have to send off both parts.

But if the B/F was the culprit, why are you sending yours off?
Is that some kind of code for gunning it through a red light? :lol:

You know when you hurtling towards lights and preying they dont change, well my bf has a tendancy to not stop if his foot is to the floor, so he is 'commited' as he says :lol: well this time he wasnt so wise and got caught lol