
I read the profile on facebook's Mark Zuckerberg TIME's Man of the Year the other day on the plane. Interesting guy. He believes there should be no such thing as privacy and that everyone should know everything about everyone else and that his dream is of a intergalactic facebook where everyone is connected. I think he severely underestimates humanity's basic need for privacy but it is still fascinating to see just where this social experiment will eventually end up.
I've got to face 3 people I deleted at the pub tmrw night for a mutual friend's birthday. Always a bit awkward these situations...

a/ hi how's it going? <insincere/>
b/ I hardly go on there anymore
c/ You know, I was just trimming the list down to my colleagues, work contacts, nothing personal, I culled loads of people I see about all the time anyway
d/ did I? That's odd, I thought you were still on there
e/ hide in different crowd of people - tho not easy if there's only 16
f/ get a grip! get some perspective! there's africans starving
g/ I think you're a cock and your updates always either irritated or bored the pants off me