Please help

ah chick - I kind of know how you feel - I have a food hangover !!! Went out for a chinese banquet last night with my family for Dad's b/day and I think I ate my bodyweight - I look pregnant and feel awfully sluggish and bleurggh!!

I would suggest lucozade sports drink and a bag of cheese n onion walkers crisps.....xx
I think Im going for the pub lunch.

Also made error of telling workmate via text to go F themselves - this is not big or clever :cry:
ouch. do you actually not like them or was it a drunken rambling?
Tip for the pub lunch dont go for something really heavy like a pie can make u feel worse after.
A good drink and something light and you'll be fine!
The sun is shining, we are now halfway through the week which means it is NEARLY THE WEEKEND! Your holiday isn't that far away, and there are some really LUSH clothes in the shops. Your workmate probably is a c#nt and deserved the text and has probably been told to fcuk off or fcuk themselves many times before. You have a lovely selection of shampoos and conditioners ;) You are gonna go for a nice pub lunch, lets be honest life is good so turn that frown upside down Emma :)
The sun is shining, we are now halfway through the week which means it is NEARLY THE WEEKEND! Your holiday isn't that far away, and there are some really LUSH clothes in the shops. Your workmate probably is a c#nt and deserved the text and has probably been told to fcuk off or fcuk themselves many times before. You have a lovely selection of shampoos and conditioners ;) You are gonna go for a nice pub lunch, lets be honest life is good so turn that frown upside down Emma :)

See - how bad can you feel after that uplifting burst of enthusiasm for life - I wasnt even feeling that :cry: but now I am really feeling :D
The sun is shining, we are now halfway through the week which means it is NEARLY THE WEEKEND! Your holiday isn't that far away, and there are some really LUSH clothes in the shops. Your workmate probably is a c#nt and deserved the text and has probably been told to fcuk off or fcuk themselves many times before. You have a lovely selection of shampoos and conditioners ;) You are gonna go for a nice pub lunch, lets be honest life is good so turn that frown upside down Emma :)

Remind me to send you a message if I'm feeling down. Good job
The sun is shining, we are now halfway through the week which means it is NEARLY THE WEEKEND! Your holiday isn't that far away, and there are some really LUSH clothes in the shops. Your workmate probably is a c#nt and deserved the text and has probably been told to fcuk off or fcuk themselves many times before. You have a lovely selection of shampoos and conditioners ;) You are gonna go for a nice pub lunch, lets be honest life is good so turn that frown upside down Emma :)

That is brilliant thank you :lol:

To be fair I love the work mate to bits - maybe a love hate relationship is brewing. Lol. I have no idea why I said it - well I do but its too boring to put on here.
That is brilliant thank you :lol:

To be fair I love the work mate to bits - maybe a love hate relationship is brewing. Lol. I have no idea why I said it - well I do but its too boring to put on here.

ooooooh i sense a crush you are fighting. Not great at the best of times worse if not single.

I used to send nasty messages whenever i was drunk to a boy I worked with, i LOVED him really just didnt want to admit it x
The sun is shining, we are now halfway through the week which means it is NEARLY THE WEEKEND! Your holiday isn't that far away, and there are some really LUSH clothes in the shops. Your workmate probably is a c#nt and deserved the text and has probably been told to fcuk off or fcuk themselves many times before. You have a lovely selection of shampoos and conditioners ;) You are gonna go for a nice pub lunch, lets be honest life is good so turn that frown upside down Emma :)

Its pissing down in Glasgow :rolleyes: but I am more than half way through my week due to being off friday!
Oh Em's school night drinking is never gona end well :( bet it were fun at the time though :D

Blondie that was quality what you said :D
Its pissing down in Glasgow :rolleyes: but I am more than half way through my week due to being off friday!

yesterday I had a few pints down Tennants, I had a cig and I am sure it had cleared up a bit. today I am in does that work? Enjoy Friday