Playa Den Bossa or Ibiza Town


New Member

Me and 3 of my mates are flying out to Ibiza tomorrow night, we are doing Space Closing and DC10 closing.

But on Saturday you we're just gonna go out to a few bars instead of going to a club. So which is the best idea:

Ibiza town Zoo Bar etc... Or around the bars in PDB?

Only really been to Bora Bora in PDB and never been to Ibiza town. Is there many English in Ibiza town or is is mainly Spanish, not bothered either way just can't speak a word of Spanish haha.

Cheers, Mal
Ibiza town is more cosmopolitan ie less english. depends what you want to do. For a nice meal I'd go Ibiza Town. If your just there for partying Id stick to PDB. If you want a night off before the big parties Id go ibiza Town as less chance you'll get roped into an all nighter but depends what you really want haha
We're just up for a party, not bothered about food.

Think we'll stick to PDB then, not that I mind mixing with all sorts people just hav a feeling if it mainly Spanish we'll be out of our depth. If you know what I mean.

Love mixing with everyone at DC10 and Bora Bora but it's probably a equal share of English, Spanish and Italian which is perfect.

well by cosmopolitan i mean it has all nationalities but just less of a concentration than pdb and def less than san an. if in doubt just scope out the beach bars in pdb , not just bora bora there are ones further up too
Yeah, want to sample all the bars PDB has to offer!

Stayed in San An 7 times, so staying in PDB for the first time is like a completely new experience.

It's a shame not to visit Ibiza Town, at least during the day, as a reminder you're in Spain. 8)

First couple of times in Ibiza I stuck to San An. :oops: Now a few trips between San An or PDB and Ibiza Town balances the holiday for me.

Me and 3 of my mates are flying out to Ibiza tomorrow night, we are doing Space Closing and DC10 closing.

But on Saturday you we're just gonna go out to a few bars instead of going to a club. So which is the best idea:

Ibiza town Zoo Bar etc... Or around the bars in PDB?

Only really been to Bora Bora in PDB and never been to Ibiza town. Is there many English in Ibiza town or is is mainly Spanish, not bothered either way just can't speak a word of Spanish haha.

Cheers, Mal

I'd just stick to the bars in pdb, the most popular bars in Ibiza town, aren't that great for the prices you pay for drinks - Base, Rock and Zoo bar.

Grial sounds good but I haven't been.
It's a shame not to visit Ibiza Town, at least during the day, as a reminder you're in Spain. 8)

First couple of times in Ibiza I stuck to San An. :oops: Now a few trips between San An or PDB and Ibiza Town balances the holiday for me.

Sorry what I meant in my original post was that I've not been out for a night out in Ibiza Town. Been loads through the day, we usually hire quads and traval around the Island. Went in July and did that, this time is purly to party though as we are only there 3 days! Fly at 8pm tonight, can't wait!!!!