Playa D'en Bossa 26th Sep - 4th Oct


Active Member
Hey guys, me and a friend will be in Ibiza on the 26th of Sep untill 4th of Oct.

We are planning on attending these parties:

Closing Cocoon
Ushuaia Sasha "Never Say Never" closing
Closing Amnesia
Space closing
Circoloco @ DC-10 closing

We're staying at the Algarb hotel (accommodation only, so no meals etc. right?).

In the worst case scenario in which I don't get some money I am owed in time, we will have around 1.5k - 1.7k euros spending money.

Do you think that will be enough or should I desperately get the money I am owed? :)

Any tips for us?

Thank you, see you on the island :)
Dream closings schedule that one. Assuming you're not trying to pay for flights, hotels etc. out of the money, and stay away from t!tty bars and brothels, you should be fine with that budget .. unless you have a particular penchant for sitting drinking French Champagne all night behind a velvet rope ;)

PS - see you at DC-10 and maybe Space too - unless an 'alternative Sunday closing' gets good !!
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Dream closings schedule that one. Assuming you're not trying to pay for flights, hotels etc. out of the money, and stay away from t!tty bars and brothels, you should be fine with that budget .. unless you have a particular penchant for sitting drinking French Champagne all night behind a velvet rope ;)

PS - see you at DC-10 and maybe Space too - unless an 'alternative Sunday closing' gets good !!

haha, yea none of that ;D also the hotel and the flight tickets are paid

thanks for your answer, cya @ dc-10;D
DC10 won't be opening early that Monday following Space Closing right? It would be great if I could do Space closing right into DC10 Monday morning
I tried to not make the rookie mistake of booking a early flight back home on the 4th lol.

I got one at like 8 pm so im ready to party untill i have to grab my bags and go :p
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For sure DC-10 closing will drift on to after-party la la land somewhere or other. Not for me tho' .. this year have a flight out at 8.15am on the 4th - so will be hot-footing it away by 06h00 to try to get to check-in :eek: (should be walkable in an hour if worst comes to worst) ... or failing to achieve that admirable aspiration and clearing up the godforsaken mess afterwards. :confused: :idea: wonder if there's a cheap back-up plan on offer somewhere ...
hey guys, the rooms with accommodation only have meals included? if not, can we pay there for this? also, can we pay for an extra person to stay in our room when we get there? i don't get an answer to my emails from the hotel.thanks ;D