Pla Restuarant Barcelona


Well-Known Member
Can any of the fine folks who have previously recommended this place tell me tge best time to phome with a reservation?

It might say on the rather long answering machine message, but my pigeon Spanish isn't enough to understand it.

Or if any other Spanish speaker would like to call 0034 934 126 552 and post up what it's saying I'd really appreciate it.

Will post this in the Spanish forum also.


(Will pay in beer sometime!)
buckers, just called - you can call after 5:30pm (bcn time) for a reservation.
PM me in case u need more help.
Make sure you go here to buckley Restaurante Los Azulejos.We have an 8hr stop over in barca on the 29th and we`re heading straight there.:D
went there last November. Loved it as always.

Enjoy the match by the way. You'll be able to tell your grandchildren one day you saw Messi play live ;) Looks like we might be playing well again too :)
So, rang earlier. Left a message on their answerphone asking for a table for 2 for Mr Buckley at 9pm Saturday and my number for them to confirm.

No call back as yet....