Pizza in Ibiza..

I hear the Fundación de Promoción Turística de Ibiza are so impressed with the video that they are going to use it in their official marketing campaign for 2012 :eek:
:idea: If fizzle sees those littering references there may be some colourful comments to look forward to ...
That reminds me of when Sascha Baron Cohen first started doing the Borat character on British television. The government of Kazakhstan sent an official complaint to the UK gov't through its embassy. When the movie eventually came out, they banned it! (and got Russia to as well)

What they, and the Balearic government, failed to see is that the joke isn't about them! The joke is on the audience! (whether it's Brits abroad who eat pizza instead of trying the local food, or ignorant Brits or Americans who know nothing about Kazakhstan.)
(Edit: to clarify: in both cases, they're making fun of audience's limited perceptions of the places involved)
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To be fair to the government, I wasn't too happy with the 'Chuck your rubbish in the sea' line either.

Some of the viewers might, though !! I am clearly now out of touch a bit with the psychology of certain 18ish y/olds .. a conversation with a couple of them who were pretty decent guys ref the 'riots' reminded me how suggestible they can be :confused:

What's funny or a p!ss-take one minute sways to 'sick' (cool to my age group) and worthy of imitation the next. Especially after a bottle of cider or two !!
That video is a parody. It's a caricaturization of how relatively inexperienced young guys may (and do) react to what's on offer when they get out to their holiday in the sun.

All I'm saying is that by peers making a pop tune that 'takes the mick' out of it, with many elements that people might identify with at that stage in their lives, it most certainly doesn't do anything to encourage a different way (the govt's point) and demonstrates to those that way inclined already how many others react and behave in a similar way (arguably a veiled form of endorsement or at least acceptance).

It's funny to watch - but as Morbyd says the joke is on the tourists not on Ibiza. However, since image matters this does little positive for the island !!
Other music videos filmed in Ibiza

Come to think of it, perhaps the best retort on the govt's part (or at least a start) might be to get the Popular Culture page of Wikipedia updated to include a reference to Jose Padilla & Kirsty Keatch's fantastic Dragonflies video being filmed on the island alongside the reference to 'Pizza in Ibiza' ! :

.. and maybe the new Guetta video too if when it's finished it sends out a more upmarket image (will certainly get attention !!) ..

(on another thread ...)
Filming for the next David Guetta music video went well on wednesday and Freddies bar was rocking till the early hours following the gig and filming. (12th August 2011)
i don't know if you read the comments on the article but all of them said that unfortunately, bad image though it may be, this is how it is in pdb and san an, so why doesn't the tourist minister do something to improve the situation there rather than moaning about the video?