'Pioneering' Ibiza DJ Interviews


Well-Known Member
I (as Im sure many on here have) have read these interviews before, but stumbled on em again and enjoyed going through them. So going to post links as some who havent read them might like. Insights from DJs who were partly responsible for the late 80s rise of the island on dance culture:

DJ Pippi : http://www.djhistory.com/interviews/dj-pippi

Jose Padilla: http://www.djhistory.com/interviews/jose-padilla

Trevor Fung: http://www.djhistory.com/interviews/trevor-fung

Would be interested to know where/what "manhatten" was as referred to by jose Padilla?

And as far back as 95 Trevor Fung was suggesting "its not as good as it used to be" :D
Scary! Just reading a book and Jose mentions Manhattans, I was going to ask exactly the same question!