pink monster


New Member
This should be quite an easy one!

Sorry if anyone's already asked, can't see anything about it, but what's the track being played on MTV Dance with the pink monster with bunny ears attacking a city?
No-one knows what I'm talking about? 8O

Or maybe people have seen it and don't know what it is.

I just saw the video and liked the track, but didn't get to see what it was.

I thought this would be such an easy one.
I thought I'd get laughed at because the question was so easy.

Well, if people don't know this, maybe it's an old thing - 90s or even 80s perhaps.

It's an animation - it's just this thing like a big pink blob kind of acting like Godzilla or King Kong and it's attacking this city and there's all these little people and it picks one of them up and puts him in its mouth...

Come on, I saw it on MTV Dance a couple of weeks ago :!:

Edit: OK we're in trouble here. Right. I've done this from memory:


That help? I CANNOT be the only on the planet who's seen this video. Now all I need to know is the track...
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