Picture developing in San Antonio Bay

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Hi just wondering if San Antonio Bay has restrictions on what type of pictures they will develop? Nothing that movies are made of, but I have some sexy swim wear that I know probably would not be developed where I am from.

If so, any specific stores I should use to get my pictures developed at in San Antonio Bay?
i dont understand?? you mean were you are from they pick and choose which camera films they develope depending on the content of the film???

If so ive never heard of anything like that, i dont think you will have any problem in any camera shops in ibiza.
this does spring a Photo related question into my mind, If i take a digital camera to ibiza and my memory gets full before the end of the holiday can i take my camera memory into a photo shop and have my pics put onto cd????
Thanks for the info SUGARSHACK LOVER.
And yes you understand me correctly, Big Brother decides what negatives to develop based on the content, so more revealing phots taken for the enjoyment of a loved one....rarely makes it out of the shop.

Now I am even more excited to get there.
i know in this country if you have drugs on a roll of film then you get reported to police i think but thats akll ive heard.

and today a bloke in the british army got arrested after he had pitures of people getting tortured on his roll of film when he tried getting it developed
On this topic... is it cheaper or dearer to get ur films processed in Ibiza or bak here at home? Or is it about the same price generally?
I don't know about price but in relation to earlier question about digital camera, there is a place I saw in San An which said it will print photo's in 5 minutes so I'm sure you can have them put onto cd.
BizaBabe said:
I don't know about price but in relation to earlier question about digital camera, there is a place I saw in San An which said it will print photo's in 5 minutes so I'm sure you can have them put onto cd.

nice one, i aint got one yet but i want a digi camera for when i go
I took my digi camera and bought the wrong memory card! How gutted was I??? Which reminds me, I still need to take it back...off to Tesco's I go!
u can get anything developed, i got some of me and my g/f (ahem, wink wink) so no probs there, it is however very expensive, its about 12-15 euros for 1 disposable camera 8O