Picnic on Formentera


New Member
Will be on Formentera next week, will be getting the boat from Ibiza and want to have a picnic somewhere! Probably going to hire cycles or a scooter. Can anybody recommend which direction to head to? Thinking of a clifftop a walk away from a road or something equally quiet.
Will be on Formentera next week,
will be getting the boat from Ibiza and want to have a picnic somewhere! ...
why boat ?
rumours are that FREE helicopter-rides to formentera are available -
just ask the spanish-army ;)
Will be on Formentera next week, will be getting the boat from Ibiza and want to have a picnic somewhere! Probably going to hire cycles or a scooter. Can anybody recommend which direction to head to? Thinking of a clifftop a walk away from a road or something equally quiet.

go to the lighthouse