Photo challenge - post your fave pic of you in ibiza :)

Mark Sun

Active Member

1) You've got to be in the picture
2) It's got to be in ibiza
3) Err. that's about it.

I'll start us off :)


with Senor Mick :) :)

probably because it's me an my boys getting ready for Circoloco for the very first time.

Nothing artistic about it, but the pic speaks volumes to me.
I always loved this one of me and Jon (stolen from Bab's photki ;) ) I think it was our first day in Ibiza and the minxy grin on my face says it all :twisted:

here i am taking a break from the stress of living here on my mother-in-law's balcony floor
Mick who did interview stella?

was that interview in english or in spanish?

Is it only me that find this comment a bit :rolleyes: :confused: :eek: :rolleyes: ?
First of all I would like to remember that all the tour operators and that are working in Ibiza, they asked for these roads. Also the road to San Antonio, which been discussed in the British parliament, needs security. I think when the roads will be finished the tourists will appeciate and will be happy because it will be an improvement for the island. But this year they will not be finished.
I dont know what happens, I usually don't have problems posting pics but I doesnt work for me today.:cry:
silvia said:
Mick who did interview stella?

was that interview in english or in spanish?

Is it only me that find this comment a bit :rolleyes: :confused: :eek: :rolleyes: ?

I interviewed her, in English, tho my friend from El Mundo (who set the interview up) was there to help. But Stella didn't really need it.

The British parliament quote refers to the occasion when Tony Blair raised the matter of the accident rate on that road with the authorities over here.

I'll try and dig up the BBC article.
Dr Mick said:
I interviewed her, in English, tho my friend from El Mundo (who set the interview up) was there to help. But Stella didn't really need it.

The British parliament quote refers to the occasion when Tony Blair raised the matter of the accident rate on that road with the authorities over here.

I'll try and dig up the BBC article.


I thought they managed to stop the autopista-works tho :confused:
Mark Tami (Alyn & Deeside, Labour) Link to this | Hansard source
Last summer, my constituent David Holloway was knocked down and killed by a coach while making his way from one of Ibiza's popular clubs to his hotel. He was one of many British victims to die on Spanish roads. The road from San Antonio to Ibiza town has no pavements and is poorly lit, and has a speed limit of 75 mph. Will the Prime Minister assure the House that he will do all in his power to approach the Spanish authorities to improve road safety in Spain so that young British lives are not lost?

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TonyBlair (Prime Minister) Link to this | Hansard source
First, I take this opportunity to offer my deepest sympathy and condolences to Mr. Holloway's family. I understand that this matter has been investigated by the Spanish police and considered by a Spanish court. I can tell my hon. Friend that we have made representations about this particular road, and in 2001, local authorities introduced certain changes as a result of the matters that we raised. I will undertake to look at the matter again, however, in the light of what my hon. Friend has said.
Dr Mick said:
Mark Tami (Alyn & Deeside, Labour) Link to this | Hansard source
Last summer, my constituent David Holloway was knocked down and killed by a coach while making his way from one of Ibiza's popular clubs to his hotel. He was one of many British victims to die on Spanish roads. The road from San Antonio to Ibiza town has no pavements and is poorly lit, and has a speed limit of 75 mph. Will the Prime Minister assure the House that he will do all in his power to approach the Spanish authorities to improve road safety in Spain so that young British lives are not lost?

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TonyBlair (Prime Minister) Link to this | Hansard source
First, I take this opportunity to offer my deepest sympathy and condolences to Mr. Holloway's family. I understand that this matter has been investigated by the Spanish police and considered by a Spanish court. I can tell my hon. Friend that we have made representations about this particular road, and in 2001, local authorities introduced certain changes as a result of the matters that we raised. I will undertake to look at the matter again, however, in the light of what my hon. Friend has said.

I keep my opinion for myself to not create another international spotlight-gate :confused: