Phat Phil Cooper's Porn Room Blues Mix...

Great set!
Can u post a download link for the mp3 of this set so i can enjoy it when tagging along with my mp3 player? :)
Will check it laters. I was browsing plug earlier and saw that u were behind the promotion of 'Soul Fuzion - i got rhythm'. Tis a wicked track, I got the remixes but havent heard the original yet. The kenny dope mix is pure class.
hi phil,

didn't realise you'd joined the board :)

we all sung your praises after last year's derrick carter space fill in - really funky. great fun to listen to that set online again too.

cheers for link
I remember phil being a member of the wesbite from way back last year
James you havn't been paying attention
Phil doesn't post that much do you love.
dfunky said:
I remember phil being a member of the wesbite from way back last year
James you havn't been paying attention
Phil doesn't post that much do you love.

No not a big user of this site until now really...

Hope you all enjoyed the mix and it didn't get you too "hot under the collar!"...
