People who have worked the summer in ibiza


New Member
How did you sort your accomodation, did you do it before you left or sort it when you arrived and where from?

websites etc would be a great help

Thankyou people! :)
Just curious too.... what was everyone's age when they worked the summer over there?

Just wondering whether my time is running out lol
Just curious too.... what was everyone's age when they worked the summer over there?

Just wondering whether my time is running out lol

i was 17-20 bec but you are still a spring chicken. get yourself over there chica.

there were loads of people who were mid 20s or older who'd worked for a few years and then decided to have a summer off/change their lives.

go do it, go do it, go do it do it do it...........;)
How did you sort your accomodation, did you do it before you left or sort it when you arrived and where from?

websites etc would be a great help

Thankyou people! :)

book the cheapest package holiday you can get, then you've got 1-2 wks to sort yourself out with somewhere. just ask around, go to the ship, ask other workers, ask in shops and bars - all sorts of people rent out accommodation.

if you're feeling brave, do what i did and just book a one way flight out there and see what happens!!:D
Just curious too.... what was everyone's age when they worked the summer over there?

Just wondering whether my time is running out lol

hey becki, i was 27 when i went last year...surely i was on the elder side, but many employers seemed to be looking for workers that are a bit elder than 18-23. i think up till 30yrs your time isn't running out at all...
Go for it

i was 19 wen i went out, only met 1 r 2 workers da same age every1's in der mid 20s. dont b worryin bout it just go and do it, wen u get out der ul c what im on about and wat all the fuss and worry was about........
i arrived start of june on a package holiday within 3 days i had a job and an appartment sorted. Everything evolves round the ship inn.