PDB, 22nd - 30th July, going solo

Bump! Probably going to be mainly Sankeys and Space. No line-ups 100% grabbing me, but will def aim for We Love... Hopefully I can conserve a few brain cells for it. :rolleyes:
You know I would gladly meet up but I'm not going till closing weekend.

The missus has put me on a "two trip" ban unfortunately or else a July trip would have been on the cards:mad:
Got a couple of meetings planned anyway - one with a guy who used to post on here (but not seen him on here for a while, just on FB) and another with a homeless artist who's a bit of 'a character' on another forum I frequent. He's been busy painting murals (or something) for Cotton Beach Club (?). But hopefully get a few more potential meets sorted out, as from experience you got to allow for people dropping out, not that I mind some decent alone time too.
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Got a couple of meetings planned anyway - one with a guy who used to post on here (but not seen him on here for a while, just on FB) and another with a homeless artist who's a bit of 'a character' on another forum I frequent. He's been busy painting murals (or something) for Cotton Beach Club (?). But hopefully get a few more potential meets sorted out, as from experience you got to allow for people dropping out.
add me on fb mate nd we can arrange to meet https://www.facebook.com/sean.gilroy.5
Getting closer... Definite events (I think) at the moment are:

25th - Sankey's, Flying Circus
26th - Ushuaia, Ants
27th - Space, We Love

So anyone heading to any of those, give me a shout...
I'm flying out tomorrow, but will still probably be on and off here. If anyone's definitely going to the events I mentioned a couple of posts back, I'd be happy to meet. Think I'm doing stuff Tuesday night and also Wednesday afternoon (as mentioned earlier). If anyone's going to Tribal Sessions or Enter, I could have my arm twisted into those, though my plan is to go to less club nights this time. We'll see how that goes... :rolleyes:
Eeek. I didn't do too well. I didn't make it to one single club. To be fair, I was bitten to death by mosquitoes (never been touched by them before, so it was weird to wake up 1st morning covered in red lumps) and had developed an uncomfortable affliction ( :lol: ) shall we say just in time for Ibiza, which didn't put me in the best party mood. Met one Spotlighter (who was a good bloke) and also a chap from another forum who sketches on the corner of Placa des Parc. But otherwise not my best holiday to Ibiza. :rolleyes: