Pass outs from We Love!!??


New Member
Hi, can anyone confirm whether or not it is still possible to get a pass out of Space if you go in before a certain time!!?? Have done it in the past but in recent years have only gone in around midnight and not been allowed a pass out!! Wanting to go daylight hours again this year but not sure we could last the duration without being able to come out for a break!!!!!:cry: We intend buying tickets from here before we go!!!?????
Hi I was at We Love in september last year and got in with the 15€ in before 6pm wristband, and there was defo no passouts, not even for a cash machine as i'd ran out of money by 10pm.:x
let me check that. in previous years there was always a passout with internet tickets providing you enter by a certain time. i'll post back here asap
Hi I was at We Love in september last year and got in with the 15€ in before 6pm wristband, and there was defo no passouts, not even for a cash machine as i'd ran out of money by 10pm.:x

out of interest - was anyone in around 6pm?
Yes it was surprisingly busy, however it just got mental at about midnight, and couldn't move anywhere.
Last August I got my ticket from a shop by space and went before 6pm. We all made sure we got a passout with the ticket and used it.
It was reading that on your 5 best ibiza pics post that prompted me to ask, cheers!! When you say, made sure we got a passout, did you ask at the door and get some kind of ticket or wristband? Oh and how much was your ticket? Thanks in advance!!