Pasport taken off of you in hotels?


Active Member
I have been going to spain for many years. Whenever I have booked into a hotel they ask for my passport,


Sometimes they photocopy it and give it straight back, sometimes they keep it for a day or 2.


I don't know if it my age or something but I have just decided I don't want them to have any info off of my passport!

It doesn't happen in the U.K. U.S.A. or any other counter that I know of so why dose it happen?


What would happen if I refused to hand it over?

To look at us, my wife and I look like quiet and reserved people. Not the sort of people to be terrorists or the sort of people to trash a room.
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Why worry about it? your name, some numbers...your passport could be scanned at your outgoing airport and will be on your return,they seem to be scanning boarding passes now as well.
I would think if you did'nt hand over your passport at the hotel they would refuse to check you in (then call the cops) it's the law !!

ps. when entering the USA your fingerprints will be taken....
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I seem to remember being told it's for police purposes. I think they register passport details of visitors to the island at their hotel of residence.

They do the same thing at hotels in Russia (although perhaps not the best comparison :lol:)
I seem to remember being told it's for police purposes :lol:)

Bang on. Spanish law requires all hotels (all types incl pensions and (legal) apartments I think) to register the guests with the local police force. They are then checked against the Spanish wanted list and that of interpol.

I was in Marbella of all places and the National Police (the serious ones) knocked on our room, then realised they had the wrong one (honest) and then proceeded to arrest the couple who had just arrived in the next door room.
Bang on. Spanish law requires all hotels (all types incl pensions and (legal) apartments I think) to register the guests with the local police force. They are then checked against the Spanish wanted list and that of interpol.

I was in Marbella of all places and the National Police (the serious ones) knocked on our room, then realised they had the wrong one (honest) and then proceeded to arrest the couple who had just arrived in the next door room.


being minus passport in Spain is no joke. My spanish gran once forgot to remove all the contents from my jeans and the passport emerged from the washing machine a couple of hours later totally trashed. Not a strong look at the consulate later on.

handing over your passport in a hotel is really not a problem is it? They took mine at a motel in France in the summer too. it's standard procedure - I strongly doubt they were punting the details on to Mossad

hardly worth having a hissy over is it?

handing over your passport in a hotel is really not a problem is it? They took mine at a motel in France in the summer too. it's standard procedure - I strongly doubt they were punting the details on to Mossad

hardly worth having a hissy over is it?

It should be done worldwide IMO, if youve got owt to hide then doss on the fcuking street or beach ;) :lol: (or get a falsy)
i couldn't believe how long i had to queue at gatwick to have my passport scanned when i went to the uk last year. what's the difference twixt that and having it copied at your accommodation?
i couldn't believe how long i had to queue at gatwick to have my passport scanned when i went to the uk last year. what's the difference twixt that and having it copied at your accommodation?

The whole ceremony of presenting your passport when arriving back in the Uk is ridiculous! Drives me bloody mad.

I think it's handy if the hotel has a copy of your passport, particularly if you lose it or you die.
The whole ceremony of presenting your passport when arriving back in the Uk is ridiculous! Drives me bloody mad.
You should try standing in the non-EU line. Takes twice as long and even if you're someone from a visa-free travel country (eg. US) they still interrogate you like a Guantanamo Bay detainee :evil:
the people who man passport control must be among the most miserable human lifeforms on the planet

they look at you with such contempt as you pass through

'Welcome to England'
Does anyone else always feel guilty at the UK border control as if you are trying to sneak into the country? They look so suspicious about everyone...I always put on my broadest Cockney accent to prove I AM English.... please let me back in!!
The whole ceremony of presenting your passport when arriving back in the Uk is ridiculous! Drives me bloody mad.

Iris Scanning is where its at 8)

Nothing more smug than getting back to BHX and waltzing past the queues to the little scanning booth :D

But not all airports have it yet so it's not really that good :( :lol:
Does anyone else always feel guilty at the UK border control as if you are trying to sneak into the country? They look so suspicious about everyone...I always put on my broadest Cockney accent to prove I AM English.... please let me back in!!

I ALWAYS feel guilty at immigration in the USA. I think that's the kind of atmosphere they want to create though.
Iris Scanning is where its at 8)

Nothing more smug than getting back to BHX and waltzing past the queues to the little scanning booth :D

But not all airports have it yet so it's not really that good :( :lol:
I loved Iris. Had a UK work visa for a couple of years and registered for this. Best thing ever. Basically like walking straight from the plane to the baggage hall.
I ALWAYS feel guilty at immigration in the USA. I think that's the kind of atmosphere they want to create though.

American immigration control are the most miserable bastards on earth, FACT. Their attitude absolutely stinks.

I went to Miami in march and they kept closing the desk everytime we were about to go up, 5 times it happened, and when I moaned about it they nearly drew their fcuking guns (well thats an exaggerration) !!
Does anyone else always feel guilty at the UK border control as if you are trying to sneak into the country? They look so suspicious about everyone...I always put on my broadest Cockney accent to prove I AM English.... please let me back in!!

I would be a rubbish drugs mule. Going through security at any airport and I am nervous as hell, feel so damned guilty for absolutely no reason:oops:
I guess it's because I travel a lot but I don't get nervous at all anymore. I see it mainly as a timewasting nuisance on my way out of the airport.

US immigration can be *****s. Especially younger ones with little intelligence who think someone gave them a badge and now they're all powerful.

I once had one mouthing off at the missus (for the horrible sin of having her passport in a cover) and it's a tough situation because I would have loved to tell him what an ass he was, but since she's not a US citizen I didn't want to chance them blocking entry or something :evil:
A tea toweled Osama Bin Laden could stroll through Ibiza passport controll un-noticed its that laid back.

Our jet arrived with 300 passengers who proceeded to walk through an un manned passport gate in Ibiza airport last year. We were about mid way in the stampede before I noticed a guard come running out with a "where did they come from" look on his face.

About half the passengers has passed through to baggage reclaim before he and his mate stopped the rest...... It looked like they were watching a football game in their office:)