Party dress code

trains hard

New Member
Hey there

i'm on my way to Ibiza on 8 July. Can't wait :D
How do guys dress at the clubs?
Do guys take their shirts off. i have been to some parties in other places where this seems to be the trend.

some do but please don't.

:lol::lol::lol:. I actually don't have an issue with guys going shirtless in sweaty clubs if they want to.. think it looks far better than the skimpy vests half hanging off which seem to be so popular, but each to their own. I tend to wear a 'breatheable' technical fabric t-shirt or top these days - really helps the moisture management - it is extremely hot some places.
Ugh... last thing I want in a club is some sweaty shirtless guy brushing past me. People need to keep their clothes on :!: :evil:
Agreed only time to go shirtless would be at a outside festival and even then its a bit meh. Urghh the feeling of sweaty man brushing against you makes you want to be sick.
Agreed only time to go shirtless would be at a outside festival and even then its a bit meh. Urghh the feeling of sweaty man brushing against you makes you want to be sick.

+1 from me as well.

We all apprecaite clubbing can be a sweaty activity at times, all the more reason to show some respect for your fellow clubbers and keep that sweat under a shirt/t-shirt.

I've only ever done it once in a club before but I was young, drunk and stupid. Never again!! :spank:
:lol::lol::lol:. I actually don't have an issue with guys going shirtless in sweaty clubs if they want to.. think it looks far better than the skimpy vests half hanging off which seem to be so popular, but each to their own. I tend to wear a 'breatheable' technical fabric t-shirt or top these days - really helps the moisture management - it is extremely hot some places.

I wear a dri fit shirt under my other shirt. It keep you from being a sweaty mess. Keep your shirt on in the club, on the beach bar like bora bora it is ok.
Urghh the feeling of sweaty man brushing against you makes you want to be sick.

Does it make you uncomfortable, Daveaus ? :lol: :lol:... just as well you weren't raving in UK in the late 80s and early 90s then when it was totally the 'norm' for huge numbers of guys !

Mind you .... the problem I think is OVERCROWDING in clubs - if things were like they used to be you wouldn't be 'brushing against' a bunch of bare chests because you could actually move around and dance in your own adequate space so they would just be in your vicinity which is not quite the same.

you ****ing dirty old rotten perv :spank: :x :twisted:

:eek: .. no-one raises an eyebrow when guys wander round Berghain in jockstraps, do they Herr baer ?! .... it would be totally uncool for an even remotely pervy connotation to be put on that in Berlin, would it not - no doubt they are just being 'edgy' and not in the least but sexual ? ! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: [insert tongue in cheek smiley - can't be a*sed to find one ;)]
I apologize if you don't like shirless guys when you're dancing, but the only reason I'm a professional clubber every year in Ibiza, in my country or anywhere in the world, is because electronic music makes you feel free, and I'm free when I'm shirltless on the dance floor (thank God I don't sweat). As a recommendation, it's always important for you guys to keep a fit body, so we don't disturb others. Thank you all for understanding our preferences!! ENJOY IBIZA AND EVERY PARTY!!!!!