Party Calendar?


New Member
The calendar is confusing me a bit... It has got lots of dtaes on it, but is this for 07 or 08? it has the 2008 dates on it but it says 2007 at the top?
2008 calendar

Hey everyone,

We're just in the process of adding what we can to the party calendar now.

A lot of confirmed dates are trickling through our forums now and i'll also be adding some un-confirmed party dates too.

So as the calendar starts to fill up, bear in mind that some dates may change.

Apart from all that...who's looking forward to the summer then !!
Hey everyone,

We're just in the process of adding what we can to the party calendar now.

A lot of confirmed dates are trickling through our forums now and i'll also be adding some un-confirmed party dates too.

So as the calendar starts to fill up, bear in mind that some dates may change.

Apart from all that...who's looking forward to the summer then !!

Erm.... me!! Just a bit. 115 days til Space opening. :)