Pancake Day / Lent


New Member
Alright then people - It is Shrove Tuesday aka. Pancake day in the UK (Excuse my ignorance, not sure if it happens elsewhere!)

A) Do you give a scooby about it?
B) How do you like yours? Big/Small/Stacked/Sloppy/Firm!
C) What do you put in/on it?!

Reveal all :lol:

A) I adore pancakes.
B) Small & stacked
C) Bacon and maple syrup! OR to satisfy my chocolate cravings.. Nutella & Peanut Butter. Mixed together and you almost have Snickers!

Writing this has made me hungry. I must make more!
[Sorry gym routine. You have well and truly been neglected on this fine evening.]

and tomorrow Lent begins - is anyone giving anything up? I never bother personally!
This coming weekend is Maslenitsa here in Russia. Never quite been sure of the origin of that word, although "maslo" is butter.

The traditional food is bliny, which are very thin pancakes, almost like crepes. People eat them with jam, honey, sour cream, salmon caviar or, if you've got a few extra quid, black caviar.

Then Sunday is forgiveness day (you're supposed ask people to forgive you). Lent starts Thursday of next week so a week later, by the Orthodox calendar.

I'm planning to consume lots of bliny this weekend :D

By the way, there's a big Maslenitsa festival in London on Sunday if you're around town this weekend.
Love pancakes. Forgot completely it was pancake Tuesday (always do !). Now starving .. oh well, 2 hours left so may have short stack with maple syrup and bacon before the night is out 8).

Don't adhere to Lent as such but might give up clubbing for it - what a thought (:eek:) .. or at least think about it !

... oh and please send some bliny with black caviar over my way, Morbs - would happily demolish a table full given half a chance - a definite guilty pleasure !
Oh, I remember a decade ago when black caviar was still inexpensive domestically. I once bought a kilo for a little over $30 when visiting Atyrau, Kazakhstan, just north of the Caspian. Good stuff 8)
Oh, I remember a decade ago when black caviar was still inexpensive domestically. I once bought a kilo for a little over $30 when visiting Atyrau, Kazakhstan, just north of the Caspian. Good stuff 8)

A mate brought me a kilo of Oscietre back from northern Iran for about the same cost probably 15 years ago now. It was consumed between 2 in an afternoon :oops:. Would set you back 2,500 Euros for that from a shop here now. Bonkers !!!!!
I love pancakes, but, living alone, I'd need to eat a whole batch to myself...

Which doesn't fit with the healthy eating/exercise regime. :cry:
Pancakes aren't actually that bad for you.

I'd have to say

A) I do, but I didn't do any yesterday, as I couldn't be bothered to make pancakes for just me. First time in ten years I've not done it.
B) Lots of medium sized ones
C) Cheese, or Sugar, or maple syrup (not together, that'd be a disaster!)
True. Can just have a couple plain, though, which is better than vast amounts of maple syrup or cheese.
I do like pancakes and sometimes make them when I feel like it. I do not give anything up for lent or go out my way to make pancakes on pancake day as I am not religious.
Certainly not giving up anything for lent this year.
I gave up everything I enjoyed last year to help boost weight loss.

Watching what I eat is having the same kind of effects, so will just carry on being cautious instead
Any of you Brits head down to Trafalgar for Maslenitsa?
Looks like there was quite a crowd

Gorky Park in Moscow was packed as well on Saturday.
I have pancake most weekends, thick American style stack

maple syrup #1

strawberry and cream #2

blueberry pancakes #3 (too much work)

could give a toss about lent